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Officer(s) involved: Master Police Officer James "Brad" Hill.

Synopsis: Officer Hill failed to respond to a fellow officer attempting to save an overdose victim's life. Hill was the closest officer to the incident, just over one lime away. According to GPS data obtained by a local television station's investigators, Hill's police cruiser never moved during the life-and-death event. Hill even watched as two other Roswell Police cruisers raced past him with lights and sirens enabled.

Hill initially received only verbal counselling before the television station's investigators team asked for the GPS data. Bill had been promoted to Master Police Officer despite already being under investigation.

Outcome: An investigation by Internal Affairs into Officer Hill's conduct related to this incident, and an incident earlier in 2018 where a 13-year-old boy was intentionally exposed to freezing weather to get him to talk. Police Chief Rusty Grant offered Hill a chance to resign; Hill refused and was fired.